
Crysis 2 v1.9 Crack Update + DX11 Ultra and HiRes Texture Packs-SKIDROW [July 2011]

2011-07-03 55 Dailymotion

Crysis 2 v1.9 Crack Update + DX11 Ultra and HiRes Texture Packs-SKIDROW [July 2011]

1. Unpack release
2. Run Crysis2Patch19.exe
3. Run Crysis2Directx11UltraUpgrade.exe
4. Run Crysis2HighResolutionTexturePack.exe
5. Install
6. Copy the cracked content from the SKIDROW folder to the main install
folder and overwrite
7. Play the game

Download ONLY Crysis 2 v1.9 Crack here - http://goo.gl/ckwky

Download Directx11 upgrade + Hi res Texture Direct HTTP links

1- http://international.download.nvidia.com/geforce-com/international/patches/crysis2dx11uu/Crysis2Patch19.exe 136MB

2- http://international.download.nvidia.com/geforce-com/international/patches/crysis2dx11uu/Crysis2Directx11UltraUpgrade.exe 545MB

3- http://international.download.nvidia.com/geforce-com/international/patches/crysis2dx11uu/Crysis2HighResolutionTexturePack.exe 1.65GB

Note: install them in order 1-2-3 [Check Installation Instructions above]
File update on 3rd July 2011